New Releases: Week of November 5th, 2017

Now that game releases have shifted from Tuesdays to Fridays, everything in the world makes a little more sense. For most of us, at least. Work from Monday through Friday and start your weekend with a new release. Here are the new releases for the week of November 5th:


Release Date: November 7, 2017

Platforms: PC


Die, die, and die again as a lone samurai traversing Japan while slashing through enemies and monsters in a game that was made by the same developers that brought us the rage quit, controller throwing inducing Ninja Gaiden? Yeah, those guys suck but hopefully this PC release of the PS4 exclusive will make up for any broken console controllers you may have.



Sonic Forces

Release Date: November 10, 2017

Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch


If dying over and over and over as a samurai isn’t your thing, you can always die over and over and over as a blue hedgehog in Sonic Forces. This platformer takes you through various levels of increasingly challenging obstacles.  




Release Date: November 10, 2017

Platforms: Switch


DOOM… On the Switch… Wait, what?!?!? And it’s a port of the same game that everyone’s been playing on Xbox, Playstation and PC!?!?! YES! Finally the Switch got some hardcore gaming fun! Apparently the Switch is big enough for the BFG!


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