I have heard it's been said that us Canadians complain about the weather alot. Well, I am about to stay true to that trope. It was 25c last Saturday (about 80F) and this saturday I woke up to 20cm (8") of snow. The issue isn't actually the snow but the prank ol' momma nature played on her trees. It's been so warm up here that many of the trees still have green leaves and they are not ready to drop but then bam! Pranked! Those leaves and branches cannot withstand that kind of weight and I was out there smacking brackets with long poles and trying to shake trees so the braches wouldn't break. We have a few columnar aspens and they look like Christmas trees right now...you know the fold down kind that you stand up and its all in a big tight column and then you let it go and all the braches fall down...yeah that. Seriously!
Well, after dealing with the first few rounds of tree shaking and driveway shoveling I played some games because what else do you do when there is 20cm of wet snow on the ground?
Call of Duty; Modern Warfare II
Release Date: October 28th, 2022
Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, XSX/S
I used to love CoD games. The stories never made much sense but they were fun shooters. Then the stories became second nature to online and I basically noped out them. I'm old and grumpy and can't stand PvP. I can stand online co-op for the most part either as I suck and always get teamed up with assholes and rarely does matchmaking ever really work...so yeah...not fun for Chunky. However, I am not going to say PvP is not fun for others as a ton of people enjoy it...so...enjoy your yearly dose of CoD folks!
Star Ocean: The Divine Force
Release Date: October 27th, 2022
Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, XSX/S
Looks like a JRPG, walks like a JPRG, talks like a JPRG....my guess is Star Ocean: The Divine Force is a JPRG. However, it seems to be classified as an Action RPG....how about a comprimise then..JARPG!?!? That just looks like Jar Pig to me and now I can't unsee that. Anyway...yeah...I think you know what you are getting into here.
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
Release Date: October 25th, 2022
Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, XSX/S
Ok, I never understood the strategy of running straight into enemy fire..unless you had like a million zerglings I suppose.,or maybe you just hope the enemy are basically traind in the way of the stormtrooper and can't hit the broad side of a barn. Mount & Blade II has been in early access on Steam for a couple of years but I am adding it here because it is not only releasing now but also on multiple platforms. Oh, and it seems you get to be part of the zerg rush so you can experience how you treated all those zerglings first hand.
Bayonetta 3
Release Date: October 28th, 2022
Platforms: Switch
I have attempted to remove myself from nearly all social media. Even so I have heard of the issues with how the lead voice actor was paid. Then I heard different variations, then it was like "Lets boycott Bayonetta 3". Ok...whatever...you do you. Play this game on the Switch only or don't...maybe you have a thing for Lisa Loeb in high heel guns shoes...or maybe you don't...whatever...do you and you don't need to justify it.
Victoria 3
Release Date: October 25th, 2022
Platforms: Linux, Mac, PC
A strategy game set in the victorian age. Steampunk Risk anyone? That's all I keep thinking.