Schools starting and the summer is over. Now is time to get back into the routine but don’t forget about making some time for gaming! In my case I’m sure I’ll have to block off some time in order to be able to pick up a controller.
Knack II
Platforms: PS4
Release Date: September 5th, 2017
Knack 2 is an action platformer in which players control eponymous character Knack. It is the sequel to the 2013 game. Knack 2 has revamped the combat from the original game allowing your skill to progress throughout the game. With a Co-op mode, that’s right some couch co-op time, you can access another dimension to a family friendly adventure. Should be a fun game to check out.
Senko no Ronde 2
Platforms: WIN & PS4
Release Date: September 6th (WIN) & September 7th (PS4), 2017
Originally a Japanese arcade series providing a mix of both shooting and fighting and mixing them into a one on one action game. You play a Ronde (mech) pilot and battle. The graphics are not great but with all that is going on on the screen you will not really notice. One thing to note is this is fully voiced in Japanese, so if you are not into reading subtitles during a fast paced battle, you might miss a few things.
Destiny 2
Platforms:PS4 & XBO
Release Date: September 6th, 2017
Is everyone looking forward to Destiny 2? You have to love the live action trailers Bungie has released! Each time I see them they make me want a Destiny movie to come out. If you played the beta a few weeks back you already know this will not be a completely new experience but the graphics, OMG, did it ever look good on my 4K TV. Well, only a few more days until we get to play, can’t wait.