Are you a BMF at FFA? Prove it a the 2008 2o2p Chicago Lan. It’s not just for bragging rights. There are serious cash prizes at stake. More than $1,000 will be awarded.
There is no entry fee, though spots are limited to the first 32 players to sign up Friday night at the LAN. You can’t have someone sign up for you, nor can you have a ringer take your spot. Furthermore, you can only sign up for entry if you were a 2o2p member in good standing prior to Jan. 1, 2008. Also, sober playing might not be allowed. You may or may not be required to do a shot of some foul tasting liquor prior to each round. Possibly.
So… you in?
- 2o2p H3 FFA Champion - $1000.00 and 1 year of bragging rights.
- 2nd - $500.00
- 3rd - $300.00
- 4th - Prize To Be Determined
The Fine Print
Open only to 2o2p members in good standing who were registered with the site prior to Jan. 1, 2008. Winners of cash prizes will be ID checked for +25 age verification.
Games will be played starting on Saturday around Noon(ish) and finishing late Saturday evening. Pre-Championship Rounds will be FFA, three games played per round. Best cumulative kill score at end of three games will determine who advances to the next round. There will be no losers’ bracket. In most cases, in games of six players, the top three will advance, though room size is still under consideration.
Championship Final will be the last four players (all guaranteed prize finishers).Championship will consist of five FFA games TBA at the event. Once again the finishing places will be determined not by games won, but by cumulative kill score over five games.
In the event of any game having a tie between players, tiebreakers will be in this order; least deaths, assists, and headshots.
All games prior to the Championship Round will be Battle Rifle primary, Assault Rifle secondary start with default settings on the maps. Maps are T.B.A. Gametypes, maps, and settings will be under the approval of the 2o2p staff and XSSmoke and will probably be decided prior to the lan, though we can’t guarantee that as we’re procrastinators.
Players will be randomly assigned to groups for this event. You can not be asked to be placed in games with anyone. Depending on turnout this could be limited to the first 32 players to sign up at the LAN, though this number could change between now and then as XSSmoke is flaky.
If you are bringing a 360 unit and H3 disk to the LAN, please make sure the new map packs are downloaded. Regardless, please also make sure to bring your own controller. Make sure to tag items as your own.
The Taxi Clause
If you throw a shoe at a fellow player, you may be DQ'd (unless said shoe hits a person playing Guitar Hero, Rock Band or Call of Duty 4 mid flight).
Smoke’s Rules
In the event a game is started with a setting not quite right, too bad. Adapt to the situation. If a game is started and your settings aren't right, too bad. Better switch them quick. If you feel something went wrong and a glitch cost you a kill, too bad. Games can be glitchy.
Swearing and drinking are encouraged and allowed. Abnormal jackassery is not. Keep it fun. Also, it would be to the detriment of the site were Doodi, Dsmooth (yeah right) or Gaara to win the title. Please do not allow this to happen.
We reserve the right to boot you out of the tournament for conduct unbecoming of a 2o2p member.
Peace and happy hunting.