2old2play Chicago Lan To Be Streamed Live!

Having a rough week at work? Bummed about not being able to go to the Chicago LAN? Wondering how you can make a contribution to the Children’s Memorial Hospital, or have you just wanted to see what people are up to? Well cheer up because we’ve found a way to take care of all your problems.

In an effort to include everyone that couldn’t make it to Chicago this year we are going to have a live webcam streaming footage from the convention floor. The webcam will start Friday at 5pm CST and be broadcast live all weekend, so you can see all the debauchery and join in the fun from home.

Visit this link: http://www.2old2play.com/lan

Once you link up you’ll be able to watch all the shenanigans and chat live, from both homepage and lan page, with the attendees in Chicago.

Members will also have an opportunity to donate to our fundraiser for the Children’s Memorial Hospital while they are logged in to the lan webcam page. The money you donate will enable you to take part in a raffle to win a bunch of cool schwag that you will be able to watch live at from 7pm - 9pm CST Saturday evening. Details about the raffle prizes will be forthcoming once they are finalized so check the Lan Forums throughout the weekend.

Still not enough? The old gang from the 2old2type Radio Podcast should be online to do a full show during the Saturday night festivities directly following the raffle give-a-way. Make sure you get your questions together to ask Bliz, Ebola, and I anything dealing with gaming, the community, or the site at large. It should be a fun way to reunite and record a live show. Philly Cheese for everyone!

So sit back relax grab a cold beverage, join in the fun, and donate to a great cause from the safety and comfort of your home this weekend. You were going to be on the site anyway so why not have a good laugh and take part in something to help out some kids in need. See online.

Check it out: http://www.2old2play.com/lan

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