The community wishes to speak and let their words be heard. The
first ever magazine from 2old2play has been rolled out, issue #1.
This magazine is for gamers written by gamers. The initial issue
covers game reviews, the community speaking out about games, new
editorials not yet seen on the site, and special archived editorials
for those that missed their initial posting. The magazine is
targeted to all consoles, personal computers, and even mobile phone
This content is for all gamers, not just those from 2old2play.com. We do not want to just limit our audience to 4,000 members but we want to expand the audience and bring in new members as well. If they become fans of the magazine they probably would be fans of the site too (25+ of course).
Why not just post on 2old2play's main page? Perhaps you do not have time to catch up on all the hit editorials because you have a job, and a life. The editorials in the magazine are reviewed by multiple people for consistency, grammar, and content. We also add pictures to the text in many areas so you can fully enjoy the rich content within!
We've also found that people seem to have a fun time submitting articles for a formalized magazine and less on submitting them to the site via the "Submit News" button. So, all the articles in the magazine will be available to the 2old2play administration for submitting on the webpage (with all our edits and image content we've built/found) if they wish. We may not all be grammar crazed fanatics, but with many eyes on the text the chances are better that your articles may look closer to English then Gibberish (unless you're a leet masta gramma hacka).
I will also comb the Net looking for game release dates for different platforms (yes, even macintosh) in hopes to get information. I'm also going to work hard to get interviews from real people in the industry about gaming.
You interested in becoming part of the magazine? You want to write a column? We're here for you just like your AA support group. Perhaps you want to write a specific editorial about an experience, or a review about a game you fell in love with (new or old). Hey, maybe you just want to be put in a job queue "on call" for me to send you a job to do! Fine! We can work all the situations. I've got plenty of stuff I need covered in future issues, if you want me to task you with stuff I have no problem with it.
Now its true, the initial release does not cover all hand held game systems like the PSP, GameBoy Advance, Nintendo DS, nor is there any Playstation specific content. Why? Because we need gamers to give us content for it! The editors and current submitters do not all own PS2's, or Nintendo DS's so getting reviews doesn't come cheap. We want to hear from you, tell us what you like!
So, hopefully you like the effort we've put in. Its been a long two weeks to compile this information into something magazine worthy and I've worked Lunaticzx to the bone with design projects, and harassed my editorial staff and article posters until I recieved all the stuff we needed for issue #1 to go live. And remember, we are all working for free so its a passion not a requirement :)
Subject line from Liger117's e-mail with his final review text: "NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!" That's right, if you sign up for work do not expect me to just say "ok" and wait for you to hand it over. I'll find you and hunt you down until I get the work you told me I'd get :)
So if your ready to submit work send me an email: editor@2old2play.com.
For all those that have helped get this off the ground: THANK YOU.
To download the newest issues go to The Downloads Area
To check out the Magazine's Homepage and learn more about what you can do to help, head over to 2old2play Magazine
- codemonkey
This content is for all gamers, not just those from 2old2play.com. We do not want to just limit our audience to 4,000 members but we want to expand the audience and bring in new members as well. If they become fans of the magazine they probably would be fans of the site too (25+ of course).
Why not just post on 2old2play's main page? Perhaps you do not have time to catch up on all the hit editorials because you have a job, and a life. The editorials in the magazine are reviewed by multiple people for consistency, grammar, and content. We also add pictures to the text in many areas so you can fully enjoy the rich content within!
We've also found that people seem to have a fun time submitting articles for a formalized magazine and less on submitting them to the site via the "Submit News" button. So, all the articles in the magazine will be available to the 2old2play administration for submitting on the webpage (with all our edits and image content we've built/found) if they wish. We may not all be grammar crazed fanatics, but with many eyes on the text the chances are better that your articles may look closer to English then Gibberish (unless you're a leet masta gramma hacka).
I will also comb the Net looking for game release dates for different platforms (yes, even macintosh) in hopes to get information. I'm also going to work hard to get interviews from real people in the industry about gaming.
You interested in becoming part of the magazine? You want to write a column? We're here for you just like your AA support group. Perhaps you want to write a specific editorial about an experience, or a review about a game you fell in love with (new or old). Hey, maybe you just want to be put in a job queue "on call" for me to send you a job to do! Fine! We can work all the situations. I've got plenty of stuff I need covered in future issues, if you want me to task you with stuff I have no problem with it.
Now its true, the initial release does not cover all hand held game systems like the PSP, GameBoy Advance, Nintendo DS, nor is there any Playstation specific content. Why? Because we need gamers to give us content for it! The editors and current submitters do not all own PS2's, or Nintendo DS's so getting reviews doesn't come cheap. We want to hear from you, tell us what you like!
So, hopefully you like the effort we've put in. Its been a long two weeks to compile this information into something magazine worthy and I've worked Lunaticzx to the bone with design projects, and harassed my editorial staff and article posters until I recieved all the stuff we needed for issue #1 to go live. And remember, we are all working for free so its a passion not a requirement :)
Subject line from Liger117's e-mail with his final review text: "NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!" That's right, if you sign up for work do not expect me to just say "ok" and wait for you to hand it over. I'll find you and hunt you down until I get the work you told me I'd get :)
So if your ready to submit work send me an email: editor@2old2play.com.
For all those that have helped get this off the ground: THANK YOU.
To download the newest issues go to The Downloads Area
To check out the Magazine's Homepage and learn more about what you can do to help, head over to 2old2play Magazine
- codemonkey