2old2pwn's Halo Survivor Season 2 Begins

Friday, May 4th, 2old2pwn's Survivor 2 - Coag, began with 13 players; hilskie, GOPHERGOAT, selden007, wat3rboy1011, DaKingpin55, Durnan, MzFreud, GatesisTheDevil, Yountdog7, IACO, KidMach, Cowboy Bates and Armor MkIV all vying to stay in the game for a chance to be the ultimate survivor for Season 2.

Season 2, Coag, began with no teams pre-determined. The teams would be decided by a FFA match on Warlock. However, per typical Survivor, there would be a twist. The FFA match on Warlock would be a Betrayl match. The survivors were informed that the goal was to get ejected from the game as soon as possible. Energy sword was the weapon of choice, (No other weapons were on the map)each player would be on the same team except the Restructors who would wear the yellow armor. Contestants were informed that killing a Restructor would result in penalties. The idea was to betray your teammate who in turn would "boot" you from the game. Contestants "booted" would join another room being hosted by Slee.

With that in mind the chaos began.....and true to the Restructors word, KidMach got the boot from Restructor Rogue for killing the film Restructor Walla. After it was all said and done, only DaKingpin55 remained. For being the last remaining player, DaKingpin55 was informed he would get to go to "Exile isalnd" where he would get a clue to the location/object known as the hidden idol. He would also get to miss the first Immunity challenge but would return in week 2 to the tribe to replace a player voted off. But first, DaKingpin would have to choose 2 numbers between 1-12. These 2 numbers would determine who would be the team captains and they would choose the teams. With that being complete, DaKingpin was gone knowing he had survived the 1st week.

The 2 numbers chosen by DaKingpin were held by Seden007 and MzFreud. They were both sent invites to rejoin the room. Once they arrived, they were informed that their numbers were chosen by DaKingpin and they would choose their teams based on picking numbers from 1-10. So with that in mind, MzFreud, representing the red team began choosing. The picks went back and forth until all numbers were chosen. With that complete, the remaining players were invited back in.

With all players back in the room, the survivors were informed of their new team colors before we began the Immunity challenge. In no particular order: Red Team: MzFreud, hilskie, ArmorMkIV, KidMach, Gophergoat, GatesisTheDevil and the Blue Team: Selden007, Wat3rboy1011, Cowboy Bates, Yountdog7, Durnan, and IACO. Now onto the Immunity challenge.

Immunity Challenge

This event would take place on Coagulation. First team to get all their players to their base and capture the enemies flag would win immunity. The losing tribe would go to Tribal Council immediately afterwards.

Both teams would start in the bottom of the enemies base except 1 survivor who would begin in the middle of the map. Restructors would ride "gunner" in each warthog to officiate the game. Once everyone was in place, word was sent to Lord who was waiting to start the race. Boom, the game began. Both starting drivers had to run to their base, get a warthog, race back to the enemies base, enter into the bottom portion of the base, pickup a passenger and then return to their base. Once they arrived at their base, they would stop at either of the side entrances leading up to the top of the base. The driver would get out, race up to the top while the passenger got out and became the new driver. This would continue until the last player in the base who would grab the flag and await transport. They would then proceed to their base, drop off the flag carrier at the front entrance who when then plant the flag for the victory. It was a close race and at one point the 'hogs collided but it was the Blue team who was able to squeak out a victory. The Blue team had won Immunity and therefore safe from Tribal Council in week 1. The Red team had the dreadful task of voting out a player from their team.

Tribal Council on Coagulation

Survivors were informed to line up and face Restructor Lord and send a text message as to who they wanted to vote out. The votes were close as Lord tallied up the votes. So with 3 votes, Lord sent a message to Restructor Rogue who had the dubious honor of "assassinating" the first weeks castaway. With that in mind, Rogue calmly walked behind each contestant, stopping here and there and then finally, performing the cruel deed. With that, we had our first castaway, ArmorMkIV. However the red team would get a replacement in week 2 when Dakingpin would join the Red team.

Final voting: ArmorMkIV - 3 votes, KidMach - 2 votes and MzFreud - 1 vote.

And so with that, 2old2pwn's Survivor 2 - Coagulation began

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