2old2type Hits Itunes

Since most of our news staff is spending their time writing articles about the recent Chicago Lan Party the news has been a little thin. That was until I logged onto my Itunes account and found the 2old2type Podcast in their directory! Finally, site members can subscribe to 2old2type on Itunes and automatically download new shows as they are created! Now if only I could get Itunes to display the shows in order. Speaking of new shows, as you might have noticed, we had to take a break from this weeks podcast since we really need some sleep after the LAN. We originally wanted to podcast straight from the LAN but as we soon found out, that was an impossible task. There is just way to much gaming going on to really focus on anything else.

So in honor of the LAN, next weeks podcast will be dedicated to Lan news, secrets, and hi-jinks. Don't forget to vote for us on Podcast Alley and subscribe to on Itunes. Your votes really help other people find out about the show and site.

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