The Chicago Lan as we have known it for the past 5 years is going to be coming to an end this August as we make way for new clan lans and other 2old2play meet-ups. It's not all bad news though, read on for more info!
Here at 2old2play we like to think of the LAN as the ending of a gaming year and the beginning of a new one. It's a time to meet up with old friends and get to know new ones. Over the years we have seen members from more then 15 different 2old2play clans make the trip out to Chicago for 3 days of drunken debauchery. That being said, we feel like it is time to let those clans make LAN memories of their own.
So why are you stopping the LAN?
One of the biggest issues with the Chicago LAN has always been the cost. The money it takes to hold a LAN in Chicago can sometimes be overwhelming. We have to think about space, screens, power, internet, and all the little hidden costs that go into holding an event like this. It was easy when the LAN was in a small hotel room that held 30 people and cost almost nothing, but with more people each year the cost only rises.
On top of this cost is the cost to the actual members in the form of tickets. In order to pay for the LAN the ticket price has to rise and with an already shaky economy, only the die hard LAN members can afford to make the yearly trek out to Chicago. This year we did everything we could to get tickets cheaper, but in the end the cost had to remain the same in order to ensure the room and screens could be paid for.
Other Clans
Another reason we decided to stop the LAN is the competition from our own clans here at 2o2p. As always we would rather have clans book their LAN with the 2o2p site LAN so that everyone can meet up, but we understand that clans have a tendency to be exclusive and introverted here on the site. This creates a contradiction with our attitude of promoting clans on 2o2p. It is hard to promote a 2o2p Clan LAN when you are fighting to get people to the site LAN at the same time.
Instead we would like to be able to promote Clan LANs all around the US and actually help those clans throw their own LAN parties via 2old2play. We feel like it would be a lot cooler to have a list of multiple 2old2play clan Lans happening around the US where people could meet up and hang out with certain clans and their 2o2p members. Our hope is that these clans will embrace the 2o2p public as a whole and bring new members in via their meet-ups.
This also makes LANs like the So-Cal LAN a lot more accessible to the general 2o2p public. You wont have to spend $90 on a ticket or fly across the country just to meet some people from 2o2p. Instead you find the closest LAN near your area and hop in a car. The great thing about smaller LANs is the cost to throw one is much much cheaper and they can end up being just as fun as a huge one.
With no Site LAN, how will I live?
Don't jump off that bridge just yet, because while the Chicago LAN might be coming to an end, we have a lot more plans for 2o2p meet-ups in the future. What we would like to do instead is create more events like the Gamers Gone Wild party at PAX East with 2o2p and SFX-360.
We feel that piggy backing a 2o2p event on top of something like PAX East brings more value to 2o2p members as a whole. Instead of just a room with some consoles in it, we can have 2o2p events that show off the industry itself. At the same time members will be able to meet-up and hang out with each other at after party events held by 2o2p. We think that's pretty cool.
So that's it? I hate you...
As with all things in life, plans could change. We could be able to find a much cheaper location for the LAN or find that people just don't want to share their LANs with new members from the site. Anything is possible, but as for now the Chi LAN will be on hold until further notice. Instead we would encourage members to think about meet-ups of their own and sharing those meet-ups with everyone else on 2o2p.
So if you have a meet-up you would like to plan feel free to shoot us an email or PM and we can work to promote your Clan or Member Lan. Until then we always have this August to hang out once more and shoot the shit while we down some beers and space aliens. If you have never been to a Chicago Lan before or have but are not sure you can make it, I would suggest you make it to this one. The only regret you will have is missing the last Chicago Lan. See you in a couple weeks!
On a personal note, the Chicago Lan has given me some of the best times of my adult life and I hope that others get a chance to have that much fun with the 2o2p community.