"We have front row seats for this theatre of mass destruction. The demolitions committee of Project Mayhem wrapped the foundation columns of a dozen buildings with blasting gelatin. In two minutes primary charges will blow base charges and a few square blocks will be reduced to smoldering rubble."
Greetings fellow Gamers! Come join Project Mayhem for our first ever Community Playdate, Friday, April 30th.
The game? Battlefield: Bad Company 2.
We'll be mixing it up with both Conquest and Rush modes, so the more the merrier. We would love to host more of these in the future, and what better way to get to know other people in the community than to actually play with them. So if you're up for a lot of laughs and a ton of carnage, hit us up. We'll see you on the Battlefield.
If your clan is interested, please PM OutcastB (PRM Outcast), esptim (PRM Phade), or LetheanGrazer (Lethean Grazer), or hit us up on XBL between now and Wednesday, April 28th for more details.