Massacre - noun, verb
1.the unnecessary, indiscriminate killing of a large number of human beings or animals, as in barbarous warfare or persecution or for revenge or plunder.
2.a general slaughter, as of persons or animals: the massacre of millions during the war.
Get ready for a blood bath as 2old2play hosts another horrific community Playdate on Friday the 13th (oooohhh scary). This time around we'll be taking a crack at Bethesda's newest addition Brink. Come out and play with our community leaders, old time site addicts, or 2old2play noobs. Oh you can bet your ass there will be plenty of blood.
What better way can think of celebrating Friday the 13th than having guys dressed like this running around a map with machetes?
If you plan on picking this up make sure you do before the weekend. You don't want to be that guy/gal who has to sit on the sidelines while the rest of us Parkour and Blast our asses off.
- Organizer: 2old2play
- Game: Brink
- Date: May 13th (That's right Friday the MoFo 13th)
- Time: 9:30 EST - ???
Veterans of 2old2play this is your chance to show the new guys what we have to offer, and why this is the best community for gamers over the age of 25. So come on out, introduce yourself, have some punch, a few cookies, and play a few games. Who knows you might even enjoy yourself you cranky old bastards.
If you're new to 2o2p, hop in the forums, sign up and show up. Best way to see what 2o2p has to offer is to come hang with us.
If you'd like to be involved, send off an invite or friend request to the following FoF tag: A 2o2p Event
Also let us know if you're getting Brink in the forums here!