MikeJames Drunkfest Takes Over

This past Saturday night was not your typical night of playing Halo2 on Xbox Live. Heck, it's not even typical for your normal night on the 2old2play website. Saturday night was something that only us 'older' gamers could enjoy. It was a Mike James Halo2 Drunkfest Tournament. What is a Mike James Drunkfest? It's a Halo 2 tournament where you are required to be endulging in your favorite 'adult' beverage of choice throughout the entire night. Meaning, we're gonna get drunk and have a good time doing it while competing to win a tournament. (yeah....who could still see the screen at the end of the night?)

Who are the winners of the tournament. Some may say the one that come out on top playing Halo 2. Others say it's the first ones eliminated so they could hang out in the lobby to drink and do a bunch of drunk talk. Well, both are correct. The real winners of the tournament are everyone who participated and ended up feeling the effects of their age the next day. There are no 'real' winners and there are no prizes. (except maybe a hangover)

Teams are typically made up of a 'ringer' and the rest are your normal every day 'average' players. I personally make up the teams to try to mix and match the teams skills as closely as possible while mixing it up enough so people aren't playing with their normal group of 'friends'. What's the outcome? Usually a bunch of new folks added to your friends list that you can enjoy playing Halo with even when they are sober.

This last Drunkfest, the lobby was full for almost 2 hours after the final round of the tournament portion and we were all just enjoying one anothers company talking about everything from the site to what people are going to have as their avatars when the 360 comes out. The tournament started at about 10:30pm and I don't remember what time the actual game play stopped, but I don't think I played my first actual game until about 4am.

A blast? Most definately! If you don't enjoy yourself with the laxness of the drunkfest, you probably don't know how to have a good time while playing video games. I hope that everyone has the opportunity to join the next one and can truely enjoy what playing with older gamers is all about!

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