MML Season 2: The Aftermath

The second season of the MML Halo 3 League concluded a last week, capping an exciting season that exceeded pretty much everyone's expectations.

This season the league swelled to a staggering 14 teams with 14 General Managers. All told 70 people in the league and if you include the Free Agents were talking around 85ish! What a turn out.

Some overall stats from the league:

  • Total Games Played: 442 games out of 445 this includes the playoffs.
  • Total Kills: 27,234
  • Total Assists: 14,474
  • Total Deaths: 27,549
  • Total Head Shots: 11,494

Halo 3 is different things to different people. Some may be interested in competitive play and take part in organized tournaments sponsored by the site, while others just like to play for fun. The MML has worked hard to bring these groups of different players together to compete, have fun and make new friends.

The idea was to bring the part of the Halo 3 community together by mixing it up. That is, teams feature players from both the casual and competitive camps, have mixed skill sets and play mixed game types. In doing so, people who normally don’t play together have a chance to meet, enjoy friendly competition and have fun.

As with the first round of the MML, we started off with a sign-up period. Then all those who signed up were randomly put into a double-round free-for-all (FFA). This gave players individual points, which GMs could then use to evaluate players for the purposes of first drafting and then trading. Points helped the league's teams stay balanced throughout the season as trading was not only encouraged, but mandatory, keeping in line with the intent of the league -- mix 'n match.

This season each team had four weeks to make three trades, and each week players gained points based on how well their team played. Trading became about a player’s points first, skill second. For example, if someone was traded, and they had fewer points but more skill, that team could take a hit in the standings.

This season, there were enough teams to break out into divisions. The American Halo Conference and The National Halo Conference each division had seven teams. We took 12 teams to the playoffs this season and it was a knock-down, drag-out fight all the way to the end of the regular season to see who would advance.

Ghost92’s stat tracking program tracked each player’s detailed statistics for every game in the league. The stats allowed league management to do a lot of things, such as award weekly league MVP’s. The stats also enabled players to track their progress, and made it easy to select for end-of-season awards. For next season, Tocleora has been building a web version of the stat tracking program to make life easier on everyone. From what I have seen it will be the end-all-be-all for stat tracking. All you have to do is put in your game id’s for the games played that week and it will populate all your stats, game by game. It will also do the points for the players and the teams, as well as the records for the teams and much, much more. Doodirock has already committed to creating a sub-domain for the MML on 2old2play, basically our very own League Page, which will no doubt be awesome.

The league was more successful in mixing players around this season as all 14 teams met the three-trade minimum. This allowed everyone involved to get to know and play with people they don’t normally interact with. That is what 2old2play is about -- gaming with each other, and having a good time doing it.

Thanks to everyone involved, players, GMss and Free Agents it’s because of you guys the league was a success again.
Here are the final standings and awards of the MML Season 2:

The National Halo Conference

The American Halo Conference

MML Awards

MML Weekly MVP’s
Week 1 MVP

Week 2 MVP

Week 3 MVP

Week 4 MVP

Week 5 MVP

Playoffs MVP

MML League Champs Spring 09

League Champs Signature

Final Excel Stats Page
Playoff Brackets

Finally, consider this is an invitation to join MML Season 3 in the fall. The rules are going to be revised to try and improve on what we learned this season. If you're new to 2old2play, this is a great way to meet new people from the site. It doesn’t matter what skill level you are. Come in, have fun, and get to meet and play with other people from the 2old2play community.

So what does the MML offer other leagues don't? Glad you asked.

  1. Individual Players stats for each game played for the whole season
  2. Individual player points
  3. Trades
  4. General Managers
  5. Conferences
  6. Weekly MVP's
  7. Weekly Podcasts, were we talk about trades and games played
  8. Free Agents
  9. Playoffs
  10. Season Ending Awards that cover everything from Kills to most time in the hill.
  11. Weekly top 10 plays (well, we try)

If you would like to keep up with whats going on with the MML you can hit up anyone of the following.

Our Promotional Video [Done by 2old2play's very own Bioslayer]

I want to send a special thanks to some members who helped with the league this year, Ghost 92 for his stats always being on time! Bioslayer for his ridiculous video editing skills. Fire for organizing the FFA. MLG Royal for coming up with the maps and game types. And last but not least, CMA for helping me keep this beast running in the beginning when i had a passing in the family.Also, to LBSUTKE for doing the podcast with me every week, and to Codemonkey for helping me get the podcast rolling on the interwebz! Thanks for stepping up this season guys!

The MML and all graphics & features contained within are a Trademark of!

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