New Admins, Mods, and Community Leaders, OH MY!

So it turns out that when your community grows you actually need more then 2 people to run it. With that in mind, we decided to finally add some fine folks to the ranks of 2o2p leadership. Check it out.


First things first we needed more admins here to help people out with account issues, spammers and the general direction of 2old2play. To be honest we have known for a long time that we needed help, but never really had the time to train or trust someone with the 2old2play reins. Well that time is over and I'm happy to welcome our two newest admins on 2old2play, Drost and Taxisquad27.

Drost has been editor and chief here at 2old2play for quite a while now and so it made sense having the person who manages all our content move in to the admin spot. Taxi has been with 2o2p since its beginning and as a moderator has done more then many of us admins to keep 2old2play clean, over 25, and functioning.

These admin additions also help us split up some of the work around 2old2play and focus on individual areas of expertise while leaving the modding to the moderators. A list of staff rolls should be up in the forums and at the bottom of this post to help give members and idea of who they should contact with their issues or ideas. As always if you have problems that only an admin can help with, feel free to PM.


The other issue with the site was our moderators or lack there of. We had a lot of mods that went MiA and almost triple the amount of spam. So we decided a mod group of 3-4 just wasn't going to be enough to hold off the old man porn and viagra spam. To help combat this we are adding a mod team of about 15 members to help keep the site clean and orderly. As of this post we still have a few more people to add, but we wanted to introduce the currently line up anyway. If you are interested in becoming a mod (and have the time) feel free to shoot doodirock a PM for more info.

  • lbsutke
  • Rock
  • Geekboy
  • LB75Player
  • RogueRedneck
  • SoupNazzi
  • Spooky
  • ThyEnemy
  • Dixon_Tufar
  • meemoos

Hopefully this will grow over the next week or so, but i hope you guys welcome the newcomers with open arms. We tried to pick members from all over the community and globe to make sure that many different time zones and styles of gamers were chosen. There should be a mod around the site almost 24 hours a day once we get a couple more on the roster. Hopefully this we keep things spam free and organized for years to come.

The Staff

As promised here is a break down of the 2old2play staff and their rolls here. The list is very incomplete but should give you an idea of our staff structure.


  • Doodirock - Site Development
  • DSmooth - Industry Management
  • Drost - Content Management
  • Taxisquad27 - Business Development

    • Staff

      • Waterborn- Community Manager (external)
      • Caesar - Community Manager (internal)

        • Moderators

          • lbsutke
          • Rock
          • Geekboy
          • LB75Player
          • RogueRedneck
          • SoupNazzi
          • Spooky
          • ThyEnemy
          • Dixon_Tufar
          • meemoos

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