Writing Contest Top Five

Many may be wondering "What happened to the writers contest?" - The first panel of judges have all turned in their polls. I've got a top five list ready.

We'll be posting each article up here for everyone to vote on in the coming week. Right now DSmooth is diligently trying to find a good voting poll system. We're not too impressed with some of the standard ones that come with the site.

Once we've got that nailed down the top five contest articles will hit the front page for each person to submit their votes. The top five are:
  • Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) - How will it change the future of gaming? (JTGJR007)
  • How Gamer Strategy guides affected gaming (snakemeister)
  • Children run wild on the Net: Teach them manners (Chemterror)
  • How to handle a husband that does not liek your gaming habits (CAR311)
  • Bring back the Side Scrollers (andysrc)

The initial voting to limit us to the top five was based on a weighting system where each of my judges weighted the articles from 1 to 26. I tallied the weights to find out which rose to the top and these are the ones!

In many cases I fought hard on "which was better" because so many of them could have easily been top five - but "there can be only one." For those that didn't win, your articles will be shared throughout the 2old2play community via magazine/front-page news over the coming months. If I had fifteen prizes I'd have no problem passing them out to a lot of talented writers.

If I had a ton of 2old2play merchandise I'd hand it out to all the participants that took the time to write for us and turn it in. Unfortunately, we do not have that type of funding right now for such a list of prizes so we'll do with what we have.

All I have right now is a word of thanks to all those that wrote something to contribute to the site and I hope you feel proud when you see it shared for all.

Note: All documents (winners or not) that hit the magazine and front-page, after the contest, will go through formal editing with my "staff" so that we can hammer out any rough edges. We do this for every document (even those written by the staff and editing departement). You can probably find ten or more gramatical problems in this news article alone, nevermind a real editorial :-)



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