Last year, we hosted an XBL community playdate for Gears 2, that went pretty well. Everyone had a good time and we generated a lot of positive buzz for the site. The powers-that-be at MS are giving us another shot, this time with the Halo: Reach Beta. Pretty sweet, eh? Read on.
On Sunday, May 23rd from 8:00 - 11:00 pm (EST) 5-8 Pacific 2old2play will be hosting a Halo: Reach Beta Community Playdate on Xbox Live!
Once again, we're calling for volunteers to pull off the 2nd official 2old2play Xbox live Community Playdate. If you attended the first Community Playdate we hosted back in February 2009 you know it is going to be a great event, and that you’ll have a lot of fun. Didn’t get a chance to participate last time? Now is your chance to show your support for your online home, own some noobs (Doodi), and get to know some people outside of your clan.
As with last time, we have chosen a few lucky site members to keep the peace and act as ambassadors for the site. These folks will function as the middlemen for gamers inside and outside the site, hosting rooms, setting up game types (if such a thing is possible), and generally making sure everyone who wants to participate gets a chance.
So if you have ever wanted a chance to smack Dsmooth in the face (I know I have), t-bag Caesar, or headshot xYEMx from across the map, now is your chance because these three plus a few more have taken the charge and will be heading up rooms (here's the full list: Reach2old2play, Ceasar, ekattan, Jonny12gauge, xYEMx, Dsmooth, ghost92).
In addition to these volunteers, we are looking for a few more hardcore 2old2play junkies to pick up the slack when Dsmooth falls off the wagon (two games, max). 2old2play can only have so many official Ambassadors listed on Xbox.com, but they never said we couldn’t have “unofficial” Ambassadors. In order to help out the “unofficial” and “official” Ambassadors, we are setting up a friend of friend (FoF) tag, and looking to fill it up with 2old2play members in good standing who joined the site on or before April 1st, 2010. More details to follow shortly.
If our last Community Playdate was any indication, we will have a huge turnout from our community and the gaming community as a whole. Don’t miss your chance to take part in showcasing how 2old2play is one of the preemminent gaming communities on the web, and have some fun as well.
Sounds like a good time, right? If you are interested in participating as an active member of 2old2play, or an "unofficial" Ambassador, please send a PM to Caesar. We will compile a list and then select additional members to join us during the 2old2play XBL Community Playdate. The 2old2play Management Team will make the final determination on who will represent 2old2play.
2old2plaaaaaaaaayyyyyy, Come out and Play!