I just found out today that a dear friend of ours is no longer with us. KiowaChief (kiowawarchief in our community; Aaron Gomez to his friends and family) has been a part of our community since 2007.
While not well known to 2old2play outside of The Halotards, it is no exaggeration to say that he was hands down the best Banshee pilot I ever saw. But even more than that, he was a great friend and a wonderful human being. I know we often distinguish between our real-life friends and our online friends but in some instances, it’s those we come to know only online who prove to be truer friends than some we have looked into the eyes of. I can honestly say that Aaron was someone I counted as a true friend though I never had the privilege of meeting him in person. I wish I had.
When I first came to 2old2play, like many others, I strove to find a place within our community. I lurked for a time to see if I could get a feel for the tenor of the prevailing nature of interaction here so that I would know best how to find my comfort zone. In time I found my way. Part of that was finding a solid group of people who I could relate to and enjoy spending, what I was hoping might be, innumerable hours of my time with. As I was very much a Halo fan I steered myself towards those ‘clans’ which seemed to emphasize that franchise. The first one I connected with was The Halotards. As soon as I played with these people I knew I’d found my place. Aaron (or Kiowa, as we all called him), was among the first people that I played with and added to my FL. In the few years that I have had the privilege to know him we spent many hours playing games together and I knew that every time we did it would be guaranteed fun. His laugh, oh his laugh was infectious. Anyone who had the privilege of hearing his laugh knows exactly what I’m talking about. You always knew that if you heard his laugh something fun was going on. I will miss that laugh.
Aaron, brother… I will miss you man. WE will miss you. Halo will never be the same without you. The world will never be the same without you. I know that no one will ever be able fill your shoes but I will endeavor to honor your memory by always playing for fun and laughs. You definitely made being a Halotard and a member of 2old2play a truly enjoyable aspect of my life and I am honored to have been able to call you my friend. Godspeed brother. May you rest in peace.