MikeJames would like your help in raising money for a good cause. All he needs you to do is, you know, game.
Some of you may know that my dad died of cancer about a year ago. Since then, it has been one of my goals to fight this disease that has killed so many.
Now, you might be asking, what the heck does fighting cancer have to do with 2old2play? That's easy: game for 24 hours straight and help Extra Life raise cash for kids with cancer. Extra Life helps raise money to benefit kids with cancer, and to donate to research for a cure.
So that's 24 hours, as in one full day. And it's for charity, as in, "honey... it's not just slacking, it's for the kids." For each hour of gaming, your sponsors donate however much they’d like per hour of gaming you actually complete. Hopefully, you last the 24 hours.
2old2play is putting together a team. And not to brag or anything, but knowing that, we will reach 24 hours, we will earn each and every dollar sponsored, and we will help these kids.
If you’d like to join the team and do 24 hours of gaming for a great cause, go here and join. Once you're there, click on "join a team." The team name is "2old2play " Enter that and you are in.
Even if you can’t join the 2old2play team, you can donate and/or sponsor us via this link.
Donating is simple and tax deductable (meaning you can write it off at the end of the year). You can donate as little or as much as you want. This is basically a donation for the amount you pledge as we are allowed to make up the extra hours if we don't finish sometime afterward. Please donate only what you can afford.
This is for a great cause and helps those children who aren’t as fortunate as those of us who have lived as long as we already have. Knowing we can bring joy to their lives for as long as they have will have a lasting effect and your money can make a difference.
Thank you for supporting the 2old2play team. We won’t fail you. We will make it the 24 hours and will do whatever it takes to help these kids. Hopefully, your donations will help researchers find a cure for this horrible disease and help all of us in the future.