Xbox 360 Fanboy has revealed that Bungie’s second Halo 3 matchmaking update is live:
In brief, the matchmaking update removed Social Doubles, added Rocket Race, added new maps to both Team Slayer and Rumble Pit, Lone Wolves increased to six players and got Swords, and Multi-Team received some newness too.
Social Doubles has been removed from matchmaking
Rocket Race Hopper has been added to the Social hopper – 8 players, join in parties of up to 8 players.
- Hammerzeit game variant has been added
- The frequency of VIP gametypes has been reduced
- Swords gametypes will now be to 25 kills, rather than 50
Lone Wolves:
- Player count has been increased to 6 players
- Swords gametype has been added
- Oddball games on Snowbound and Epitaph have been reduced considerably
Team Slayer:
- Guardian has been added to the playlist
- Valhalla has been added to Team Slayer
Social Skirmish
- Flag gametypes will now appear more regularly
Rumble Pit
- Added both Construct and Isolation to several gametypes
(Original Bungie post.)