

Shared on Fri, 06/23/2006 - 17:10
Well another week has come and gone. It is almost 4:00 here in FL and I am planning my usual night of drinking and Halo. Been a crazy week OneEvil and I bought a house; I pissed off a couple of customers, and another one in a few minutes, and meet many new customers. This has made me think, most of what made them mad in the first place was not my doing, my co-workers or something my company does caused the problem, but it all comes down to me I am their source of release for their anger. Anyway just needed to get that out. Work is work and we will be doing it most our lives gotta take the bad with the good and so on.

On the liter side, as I said before OneEvilBtch (if you dont know her look her up or send her a FR she is very EVIL) and I bought a house.
Things look good and I cant wait to get out of an f@&king apartment.
I have been playing alot of Halo 2 with other members and man it could not be better, I hope to get back into G.R.A.W. soon aswell, sorry guys for not playing so much.

Thanks for reading, see you online.


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