Damn Women


Shared on Tue, 07/04/2006 - 07:46

Today 7/4/06 was a day to sleep in and chill, since the wife has to work I figure why not.

As I am laying in bed, licking Angelina Jolies nipples in the back of my head I hear "Brian pick up, my car died" over and over. Then I hear my daughter scream dad get the damn phone moms car died, so I pick up the phone and proceed to get directions to where she is at. I stumble to the garage and grab some tools and a spare fuel can, and strap my lumbering ass into my car. You ask why the fuel can, well it just so happens that I told her yesterday on the way home we needed to and fill up. She said nah Ill get it in the morning, yeah she got it in the morning alright stranded on the side of the road. She also had better be awfully damn nice when she gets home, she ruined my dream with Angelina (means she better put out tonight). In her defense this is only the 2nd time in 17 yrs of marriage that she has pulledsomeshit like this, gotta give her that.



BigpunishrsWife's picture
Submitted by BigpunishrsWife on Tue, 07/04/2006 - 09:41
She most likley sensed your dream and knew that it was time to ruin the moment.
OneEvilBtch's picture
Submitted by OneEvilBtch on Tue, 07/04/2006 - 10:46
BigpunishrsWife you could not have stated that better. That would be that poon pawer thing we women have. Brian dud e sorry to hear you couldnt sleep in. Just pretend you are 5 again later and take a nap. : )
neanderthal's picture
Submitted by neanderthal on Tue, 07/04/2006 - 14:27
A nap it shall be, well actually after my shower I feel fine. I guess as they say "Ill sleep when I am dead".

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