Shared on Mon, 07/10/2006 - 22:01Well, I enjoyed my Monday off. My wife suggested that we catch a matinee and drop my 10 1/2 month old son off at my mother-in-laws for the afternoon. A movie and no child responsibilities for a few hours? Im sold. We check the showtimes and find that Pirates of the Carribbean: Dead Mans Chest is playing at the "fancy" theater in Voorhees. No kids allowed without parents, they sell coffee and pastries in the lobby instead of candy and the seats are cushy and not right on top of each other. Nice experience compared to being crammed into a tiny theater with 300 kids watching Superman Returns on opening weekend. Im a HUGE movie buff and was looking forward to PotC: DMC. It didnt dissappoint, but without spoiling anything, did end rather abruptly. I realize that theyre currently working on part 3 and that its supposed to be out next summer, but they did leave it hanging. It would be like lopping Lukes arm off in Jedi and just fading to credits as he fell to the waiting Millenium Falcon. Anyway, the effects were great, the story was pretty decent, and Johnny Depp plays a freak like nobodys business.
Back to work in the morning. Not really looking forward to that, Ill probably have my desk covered in crap since I dared to miss a Monday. heheh.
Played a little Call of Duty 2 on my 360 tonight. Still working on the single player mission, Im about halfway through the Great Britian portion of the game, probably pretty close to the end, if the pacing keeps up. Nice game, a little uneven at times, but overall I like it. Definately a different pace from playing F.E.A.R or Half Life 2, but a welcome change.
Looking forward to getting to play with some "elderly" folks on Live, just getting my feet wet on the console online gaming thing.
Reminds me of the fist online game I ever played. Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight for the PC. Loved the saber battles on there, one on one, just swing till someone drops. Also ran into my first "cheater" on there as well. A guy had re-skinned his character as a couch. I was running through a hallway, chasing someone down when the couch swung a lightsaber and cut him down. I laughed so hard I thought Id fall out of my chair. Sadly it was more than just a skin hack, the guy had some god mode cheat active and kinda ruined the fun. Was kinda cool watching a couch kick butt though.
Well enough of my rambling.
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