It's all cyclic. . .


Shared on Fri, 07/21/2006 - 11:35
Hmmm. . .nearly two months since I said anything here. I'm in one of my video gaming "down" phases. It's too hot, I'm too busy and not much is catching my attention. . .save for my beautiful DS Lite and New Mario, which is fan-bloody-tastic to mess around with each day for a short while!
In news about a girl. . she and I are now an item. Twenty five years I waited and had this unrequited school crush (well, not after school, I never saw her so the crush went away. . .but the attraction was still there). I know not what the future holds, but am looking forward to it. Ain't life funny?
Having been totally overcome with indifference to the supposed miracle console that was the PSP, I sold mine on Ebay last week. Sorry Sony, it's a lovely piece of engineering and all that, but you have singularly failed to capture my heart with the lack of quality titles, so unlike the DS where upgrading to the Lite was a no brainer! On the upside selling the PSP has allowed me to invest in a singularly lovely red and black leather corset my other half had expressed a great liking for. I'm fairly certain I'll get more fun in 15 minutes lacing her into that than I got in 9 months of PSP ownership!
I'm sure when things cool down here in blighty somewhat and things get back to a more even keel I'll be back into my gaming. For now I'll continue to browse at new developments and wait for the bite again.
ciao fer now


Cranefolder's picture
Submitted by Cranefolder on Fri, 07/21/2006 - 13:45
Hey, if you really like buying leather stuff there is a guy in my clan who makes it for a living. His 2old2play name is "EvilUncle", but he is "Gaius Caesar" on Xbox Live. Some of the things he makes are actually a bit scary. Ask him for a picture of a paddle he made... :)

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