Next time...


Shared on Sat, 07/22/2006 - 18:34

When I said that next time there would be a rant, I wasn't planning on it being this soon. But I went out to pick up a few things at the grocery store and I was inspired.

WTF happens to people when they lineup at the cashier? Is there some form of strange radiation being emitted by the register that saps their IQ level? Why do they wait until they're told how much the total is to start digging for the money. You know you're going to have to pay so why not have your money ready and on hand? And what's with old people(sorry, much older people...forgot where I was for a sec) and wanting to pay with the exact change. Do you think I want to stand there for 10 minutes while you hunt for that elusive penny in the bottom of your change purse? FUCK!!!

And why is it every time I get to the cashier the paper runs out or the supervisor wants them to cash out or they run out of one denomination of change and have to wait for the boss because none of the other cashiers have any extra of  THAT f'n coin?

200 of the one item on the shelf and the idiot in front of me grabs the only one without a pricetag or UPC code on it!!! And there's noone in that department to do a price check!!!!!!!

Or some f*cktard finds something in the reduced bin and thinks it's the same price as everything else even though they know it's 5X more expensive and from the other side of the store!!!!!!!! And then proceeds to argue for 10 minutes as to why they should get it at the lower price!!!!!!!!!

And a swift kick to the gonads of the genius who thinks it's a good idea to put a display table in front of the cash register area. Like it's not crowded enough with people lined up and others going from one aisle to another!!!!! Damn retreads!!!!!!!!



I feel a lot better now that I have that off my chest. Until next time...Gwarrior signing off.


Irion's picture
Submitted by Irion on Sat, 09/02/2006 - 09:18
Ah reliving my days as a cashier! Great rant but you forgot the person who waits to fill out any part of their check before they hear the final price. So you have to wait for them to fill it out while the line continues to back up. The cherry on top is when they balance the check book and don't move out of the way for the next person to come through. >.

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