Great fishing, but the Step-son gets busted


Shared on Tue, 08/01/2006 - 09:18

My and the wife rented a cottageon the beach in Vilano Beach, Florida for the weekend and did some salt water fishing with the in-laws. Had a great time fishing, caught several little sharks and junk fish but ended up with alot of whiting(fish) for a fish fry for the next couple of days. On saturday, my in-laws, from SE Georgia, got a phone call from one of the "kin folk" saying that the small forest in front of their house had caught fire and burn all around the house. Luckily they had put in a fire break a few years back. The relatives said that everything was fine, the volunteer fire dept, keep hosing down the house to keep it from catching fire. So we all counted our blessings that day. There isn't that much smoke damage to the house so that was good news as well.

On sunday i told the wife lets head home a little early since Jacksonville is only 30 minutes away. Well we get home and found out that my step son, 18 y/o with a part time job and no direction, wasn't home with the car. Hmmm, I told the ole' lady need to call the neighbors and find out WTF. As that was happenning, the step son comes strolling in care free and all, i ask him "where have you been?", he replies "at the store." I told myself that is hard to believe with some one who doesn't get up before noon and looked like he didn't even shower. So i went and conversed with his mom telling her that her oldest his finally home. She then says that the neighbors didnt see the car this morning (530am) when they were walking the dog. So now the light bulb finally goes off on the wife,"WTF!". She goes into room and finds a girl lying across his bed(half naked). The wife keep her cool and her son said..."Mom, this is_____". I thought, "Man this kid has some balls doing this." Anyway we all were in the living room giving small talk. He leaves to take her home and i looked to the wife and said "I can not wait till he gets his ass home!" Of course she didnt agree. He finally gets home, 2hrs later cause he knew he was busted, and mom was asking him how old she was. (Then i heard some thing crack in the windows) He says "16". and we both blew up on him. So for the next hour we cued him on some "Laws" that could land him in prison if the parents or even her file charges.

Fishing gear.......$20

Condo on the beach......$200

Catching the stepson do something stupid again........priceless


Em's picture
Submitted by Em on Tue, 08/01/2006 - 07:42
omg, thankfully I have girls
SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Tue, 08/01/2006 - 08:27
Deman267's picture
Submitted by Deman267 on Tue, 08/01/2006 - 11:19
Busted!!(don't be too hard on him,we were young once:)

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