My 1st military retirement anniversity


Shared on Thu, 08/03/2006 - 15:25

August 1st 2005, I became a civilian after a mistake free 20 yr naval career. Alot has happen in one year after transition here are my highlights:

1) Seeing the birth of my first child, Ciara Preciosa. Born August 27th, 6lb 7oz. She is daddy's lil girl. However the wife had problems giving birth and since there was a 14 yr gap between her last one a lot has changed. Of course my first mistake was to have the baby at the Navy hospital, you figure you can't go wrong when the government foots the bill and you just have to pay less than $100 for EVERYTHING. WRONG! Trying to set the epideral the first time caused the blood pressure in my wife drop and she crashed. So i was freaking out and had to be escorted out the room until the response team got her stable. The second time they tried to set the epideral(7 times) that didnt set, my poor wife felt like a pin cushion, so she ended up having her natural since the navy hospital dont grant c-section unless the baby's life is in danger. However a lawsuit is pending against the navy hospital on procedures in delivering epidurals. the nurse practioner was the only one on site, the anethesisologist(sp) doctor wasn't around and went home for the night. The wife has some back spasms every once in awhile but you can see 10 puncture wounds STILL on her back today.

2) Excellent job developing web based training materials. Great pay + military retirement pay = "I'm bringing in some coin"

3) New job means new wheels, fully loaded Traiblazer of course the wife drives it and "IDrive a Dodge Stratus!" (Will Ferrell). BTW that was her car

4) Built a new house on the westside where the rednecks are plenty. A  2200sq ft home with a game room i am installing for me, i mean for my daughter. So the 40 minute ride(oneway) to work is worth it.

5) Ex-wife takes me back to court to get a percentage of my retirement pay. Well she should have gotten a lawyer when we divorced, like i did and made sure my ass was covered. She was pleading to the judge,"but i was misrepresented", judge goes "did you not sign those papers?" case closed she gets nothing, well she does....she had to pay my lawyer fees, so she did get something.



Corcki's picture
Submitted by Corcki on Thu, 08/03/2006 - 20:27
Things seem to be going good for you since you got piped over there Chief. I'm sure your daughter will love the new Goat Locker. ;)

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