Life Update


Shared on Wed, 08/16/2006 - 07:19

So I have not posted much lately or on XBL.  I have been hanging out with my friends and dating different girls.  This is all new to me because I have never really done this or been brave enough or confident enough to date much.  I use to do most of my dating from the internet.  I met my ex-wife though, along with a lot of other woman that I dated or just went out with.  In the recent weeks I have gone out with many different women.  I am using other means other then the internet.  I mean a few of them have been from there but a lot of them have been though my friends or help of co-workers.  There are 2 that I think that might be good for me and one that I know that might turn out better and I see potential in her.  I say they might be good for me because they are more religious and that is one thing I have stepped away from in the last few years with my divorce and ex-girlfriend.  I went though some really hard times over the last few years, even to the point where I did not even care to live.  The only thing I had in life was Halo 2 it seemed it was my escape.  Anyway back to the story.  Erin is the newest girl that I just started to see.  She is a PT Therapist at the hospital that I work at, well this past Sunday one of her good friends had a very bad stroke and stopped breathing.  Erin had to do CPR or rescue breathing and 3 minutes later her friend Kate I believe started to breathe again.  The paramedics showed up and now Kate is in the hospital.  Erin saved her life.  Yesterday was a Catholic Holy day.  Erin and I are both Catholic but I have not been going to church.  Well Erin and I ate lunch together yesterday and she asked if I was going to church.  I said I did not know but I do like her and I cannot really say no to beautiful woman.  The problem was I had my Tuesday go-karting day all setup and had a lot of friends showing up.  Church was at 7pm I go right after I get out of work which is 5pm.  So I went go-karting and left at 6:30pm to make mass.  During mass the priest made an announcement about Kate and Erin stated to cry.  For some reason I had Kleenex in my pocket … I don’t normally carry any.  After mass she had to go to the hospital to visit with Kate but Erin thanked me for coming and for the support and gave me a big hug.  So I went back to go-karting with my friends.  It turned out to be a good day and I am glad I could be there for her.  Erin is a very nice person and she is tall about 5’11ish I am 6’2” so it is all good.  Anyway I just wanted to share a bit of my life it might not make much since but it does to me.   If any of you are religious I do ask that you pray for Kate so that she recovers quickly and for Erin to give her the strength to be there for Kate.


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