Get Your Head In Gear With HeadBlade


Shared on Thu, 08/31/2006 - 11:59
As a few of you may know, I shave my head bald instead of attempting to have some kind of male pattern baldness pseudo hairdon't. When I first started shaving my head I just used the same Gillette Sensor Excel razor I used for my face. My barber advised that I should get a good electric razor as a cut on the scalp is painful and bleeds a LOT. So, I dropped something like $80 on some Norelco Warp Factor Nine wet/dry model with built in shave gel "oozer". The directions for the razor recommended you give yourself three weeks in order for your skin and hair to become used to the electric razor and after that time the electric would be shaving as close as your bladed razor.

I waited three MONTHS and it still didn't come even close as my Sensor and it actually took longer to shave. Plus the electric really irritated my skin. Forget that. I went back to the Sensor.

Recently I happened upon a new type of razor, made just for shaving your head. It is called The HeadBlade and I have been using it for about a week. I am totally hooked on it and I wanted to let you other chrome domes know about it.

As you can see from the Master Chief's display, this is far from your traditional razor.

You actually wear the razor like a ring and you push the razor over your scalp with the same motion as rubbing your head with your hand.

My initial hesitation was that I didn't want to have to start buying another kind of blade refills, but the HeadBlade uses the same Gillette refills my traditional razor uses so I was ready to give it a shot.

While I was in the store I also picked up a bottle of their shaving cream called HeadSlick. I need some shaving cream anyhow so I thought what the heck.

They have an entire line of aftershaves and skin care items that you can get at just about any majore drug store or retail chain or you can cruise by their online store.

It took a little getting used to naturally because this is a new way to shave. But I followed the directions and by the third day I was zooming away. This is by far the easiest and fastest shave I have ever had. You apply no pressure to the blade so you have no nicks or cuts. The shave cream was excellent as well. It rinses clean but is not too thin so it allows you to go over the spots you missed without having to reapply shaving cream. It is plenty slippery as well.

I highly recommend it!


Cranefolder's picture
Submitted by Cranefolder on Thu, 08/31/2006 - 13:39
I'm glad to know that this is out there. I am not at this point yet, but I'm getting close. I've been using a set of clippers with the smallest guard for the past few years, and within the next two or three I'm going to have to go with the whole shaved head look. I'll have to keep this product in mind for when that day comes. Thanks Bob!
xXXxTwistedxXXx's picture
Submitted by xXXxTwistedxXXx on Thu, 08/31/2006 - 17:33
I hate hair! I shave my head not because I'm thinning or anything but just because I like a slick dome. I'm going to go to CVS and pick one of these beauties up this weekend. I'll let you know what I think after I try it out. Thanks for the "heads" up!
StunGib's picture
Submitted by StunGib on Thu, 08/31/2006 - 17:34
Thanks for the "heads up". I will definately check that out when I need it. I hate electric razors as well. Nothing beats a real blade.
StunGib's picture
Submitted by StunGib on Thu, 08/31/2006 - 17:35
^ JINX ^ Buy me a coke!
tait's picture
Submitted by tait on Fri, 09/01/2006 - 06:53
Strangely, I tried to order a "Head Blade" about 5 years ago - it remains the ONLY time ever for me that I ordered and paid for a product on the Internet, and then never received it and the company disappeared. For that reason, I have a secret hate for Head Blade without ever holding one in my hand. Strange how I haven't thought about that in years and here you are posting pics...
xXXxTwistedxXXx's picture
Submitted by xXXxTwistedxXXx on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 16:34
OK. A little late but....... First impressions. The Headslick shave cream is great. I've tried other shave creams with menthol and hated them because the menthol was way too strong and made my head sting. This stuff has just the right amount of menthol to make the skin cool with no stinging. It's very slick making shaving a breeze. I used it on my face too and loved it. The HeadBlade on the other hand I'm not too keen on just yet. I know, give it some time. I will. I understand that it's a whole new approach on shaving. But damnit if I didn't cut myself 2 times! Not bad cuts, just nicks. I'll try it again in a day or two and see what happens. Just remember guys, if you use this thing make sure you keep the back pad against your head at ALL TIMES! I didn't at first and that's why I got cut. Overall I like it, I just need to get used to it is all. Thanks again for turning me on to it Bob.
GIJoeBob's picture
Submitted by GIJoeBob on Fri, 09/01/2006 - 11:06
Did you order it from HeadBlade or from a retailer?
Corcki's picture
Submitted by Corcki on Sat, 09/02/2006 - 16:58
Atleast you accept your hair deliquescing with one of the three acceptable ways. The other two are hats or just saying "Fuck it I'm bald and I don't give a shit." The comb-over, spray, and hair plugs are just weird.

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