hUMp Day


Shared on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 06:55

I come to find out that corporate world is amazing sometimes with the deadlines put onto projects. I was used to deadlines in the military. Of course military deadlines are different compared to corporate. Operational readiness to a project going live. Civilians telling me that they will get around to you when they can. I understand people have other thing s to do. And i try to be very professional about the situations here in the corporate world, try not to bark orders like in the military or cuss like a sailor, to me that is flipping the switch off in the work place.  My current project that i am working on is very simple to me, creat a wed-based training course. Cool got the website up and running, recorded all the audio, the captivate movies, and documents. Just when you think, you developed an awesome product, the SME(Subject Matter Expert), quotes a favorite Lee Corso lyric "Not so fast my friend." She has some nick pick things about the movies and the website. I don't know why she couldn't review them two weeks ago when i said, "you need to look at this." Anyway she has put the project behind two weeks. I know now i will be working late the next several days trying to get the website to go live, there goes my clan night tonight with my buddies. I guess that is why it's called Mature Rage.

Anyway played a little softball last night with the MEN. We had a good game, up 9-6 going into the final inning and thats when mistakes start to happen. You start looking at just getting 3 and out.  Well it turned out to be 4 runs scored by their bottom of their line up before we got our chance totie it up. Yep we did, 10-10 going into the 8th, and once again mistakes happen. You know where to find the weak spots on a mens softball team, its always the guy in right field. Sure enough their top of the line pegged him for 5 runs. Well we ended up losing 15-10. Our first game went the same way, lost 13-12 in the last inning. I rather get blown out to play those tight games.

On a side note. I am heading to the doctor's today at the request of my wife. I have been complaining of pressure in my chest for the last couple of days. I don't know what it could be, but i don't have any chest pains or pains in the arm. My wife said she needs me around to help raise my daughter. So i have to get it checked. I dont have any family history of heart disease, jsut curious what could be causing this pressure. I'll post tomorrow on the outcome.

My Little Angel, Ciara



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