Do your dogs have gas?


Shared on Sat, 09/16/2006 - 12:13

We have recently decided to start letting our dogs in the house again. We have a Fila and a Pit Bull. The Fila (Suerte) is Nashu's dog and the Pit Bull (Chaney) is my dog. We adopted these dogs as a family but they have chosen who they belong to. As I was sitting here reading the blogs and feedng Brooklyn, Chaney let out a SBD (silent but deadly) fart. As my nose began to wrinkle with the horrible smell, my eyes began to water. And then I think to myself, WHAT IN THE HELL HAS SHE BEEN EATING? The dogs normally get a bowl with some dog food and a couple chicken quarters. But since we live out in the country, there are plenty of mice, rabbits and birds for her to hunt. She is a great hunter... and leaves little gifts for us every once in a while at the door. But this odor would be one that would knock the flys off a garabe truck from a thousand paces. I mean it was the worst smell known to man! And just when I thought the smell was close to disapating and we could actually breathe, she let out another. As I gasp for air, I try to ask her if she needed to go outside to potty and all I could get out was " PO -- TTY" Cough, cough. I opened the door and she went right out.

Even though she is outside right now, I can still smell her. This is a smell that could gag a maggot! Geez. Not one that I will subject anyone to when they come to our house for the LAN... You are all safe! They will be outside.

And just for the record... As with ANY animal, our children are not in the room alone with the dogs. They are under constant supervision. We have no concerns that our Pit Bull will hurt our children. She is a sweet heart. I know you have heard stories, however dogs react to their environment and our dog was brought up well and loved. She is not an aggressive dog... she does protect the family.


Lonewolf's picture
Submitted by Lonewolf on Tue, 09/19/2006 - 08:56
Yep my basset mix has it bad to, I think it is due to a sensitive stomach, and I think any subtle change in diet can cause excess death gas LOL. Yeah if she is uuummm hunting mice probably no the best thing for the Dog to eat and probably makes a bad situation worse aka knock out gas LOL.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Sat, 09/16/2006 - 13:11
My dog can clear a room and a lot of time she's not silent about it either.
DruishPrincess's picture
Submitted by DruishPrincess on Sat, 09/16/2006 - 14:50
Our dog does the same thing.:) We had a couple of cats that were bad for it too.

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