Any Given Sunday


Shared on Mon, 09/18/2006 - 11:06

I don't know why I can't watch football at my house without falling asleep. Yesterday I got up early to take the hounds to the vet. I got home and started watching football, I made it through most of the first game before sacking out. I missed the Cardinals! I did wake up long enough to change the channel over to the Cards game but promptly fell back asleep. So I woke up in time for the late game, which was pretty good I thought.  Watched some Arrested Development, read for a while and went back to sleep. And that was my ENTIRE Sunday!!! I feel like I wasted a whole day...but on the other hand, I feel a lot better today than I did last Monday.  And come to think of it, I wasted the whole day last Sunday, I just wasted it in a different way.

Ahhhh....I LOVE Sundays!!!


sjam613's picture
Submitted by sjam613 on Mon, 09/18/2006 - 11:07
Perhaps it's being a Cardinals fan that is draining on you?
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Mon, 09/18/2006 - 11:56
YOu need a TiVo or ReplayTV so you can rewind what you napped through :)

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