What a work week


Shared on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 11:10

I finally published a web course after numerous nick picky bullshit from the the SMEs. Once i got it published and posted to"Blackboard", my manager comes around and says, hey  I got another one for ya. So much for the hand shake or pat on the back, just here you go. I would like a day to do just piddly work around the office, but thats ok.

Anyway went to the doctors this past week to get my ticker checked out. I went because my wife said so. She doesn't want to be alone raising our little daughter. Well it turns out the doc said i need to handle pressure or stress at work a little better. Well i guess he was right, it has been stressful for me, buying  a brand new house, the new baby, my project, softball, coaching flag football, Ohio State football and of the course the ex-wife. I will set up a routine for me to add a little more cardio to my life.

Now i can get back with the clan buddies and hit up some customs nights to get the andreline pumping again. My stepson has gotten really good at playing Halo 2, I think he is up into the 30s, anyway me and him  will be riding down to Orlando in January for some Pro-league gaming tournament. I thought a little step-father to step-son bonding would help us out and score some points with the wife. My step-son is 14, so he will get a kick out of it playing in the tournament.

The wife's birthday is next week. Yeah I got her something. We are big Journey fans, so i got us floor seats to see Def Leppard and Journey. Oh yeah I scored major kudos for that one.

One last thing would some please inform the Michigan "campus cuties" section that the beach is closed for Spring Break in Florida.


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