Update: Stupid Gym.


Shared on Wed, 09/27/2006 - 13:06

I got myself out of bed this morning and immediately the wife was getting me arnica for sore muscles and I staggered for the medicine cabinet.  Three Advil later, I thought my chances of making it through the with a minimum amount of whimpering was pretty good.


I grab a pair of cargo shorts and roll out to drop the monster off at school and get to work.  Three cups of coffee later, Nature calls.  I get to the men's room at work and realize I have put on the shorts with a VELCRO fly.  Normally not a big deal, but my grip strength is less than that of a month old infant.  The thing I have in common with a month old infant is the fact that I nearly made lemonade in my PANTS!  Don't worry, my PC strength saved me from mortal embarassment.  Close call, though.  Hope you have a better day than me.....

Stupid Gym.


tarbs's picture
Submitted by tarbs on Wed, 09/27/2006 - 22:35
we're not laughing at you we're laughing near you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :D

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