Once I was a Photographer


Shared on Wed, 10/04/2006 - 22:26
Once I was a photographer. In keeping with funny pictures and guessing games, I can do both.  What follows are pictures that I have taken, some good, some bad, some funny, some serious, but they are mine.  I can remember when they were taken and why.  I can say I took all my pictures with true intent to  show the realism available in original photography.

I will start with a question:  Who is this?  Bonus question:  Where is this?

Hint - it was Sunday.  And yes, I was not where I should've been.


doodirock's picture
Submitted by doodirock on Wed, 10/04/2006 - 22:53
Wow, Tiger. Nice
Brad's picture
Submitted by Brad on Thu, 10/05/2006 - 01:05
Are you the only one on this late - do you have any pull - could you let people know?... thanks :-)
doodirock's picture
Submitted by doodirock on Thu, 10/05/2006 - 03:19
I cant make people stay awake. Sorry, its just you and me.

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