My Wife Rocks, Again!


Shared on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 00:15

A week ago on Friday, my wife calls me at work. Not unusual, but she knew my day was effed up out of the gates. When she knows I’m having a particularly busy or crappy day, she’ll wait until I call her when I have a moment to breathe. This particular Friday was a mess because we were trying to close billing for the month, get piles of equipment received in to be worked on and both my head administrator and the branch manager were out of the office. That leaves me to make all the decisions, answer all the questions and generally be run ragged.

I get a phone call on the celly and see that it’s the wifey, so of course I answer. Here’s the conversation:

Me: “Hello, Dear.” (I say that when I’m just a tad perturbed, but with a pleasant delivery.)

Wifey: “Hold on.”

Me: “Don’t call me and put me on hold!” (Not so pleasantly now.)

Wifey: “Just hold on.”

Me: “Grrrrrrrr….”

Wifey’s phone, MALE voice: “Hello, Red.” (That’s my nickname, ‘cause I’m so cool. J)

Me: “Uhh, hello?” (Who the hell is talking to me on my wife’s phone??!!)

Wifey’s phone, MALE voice: “This is Scott Weiland.”

Me, loud enough to scare the piss out of my admin: ‘GET THE F#@K OUT!”

Scott EFFING Weiland: “He said ‘Get the f#@k out, haha.” (I hear everybody in her office laughing, because they heard me as well.)

We ended up having about a five minute conversation, me telling Scott about how Stone Temple Pilots were the soundtrack of my 20’s and how we had to buy their music bootlegged in Hong Kong because there was no Tower Records. I went on about how Velvet Revolver was killer, yadda yadda yadda. He was telling me about how everybody in the wife’s office was way cool, etc.

I don’t get star struck very often, I’ve met my fair share of famous folks, but I got all wiggly after that phone call. He was in getting his teeth worked on and by all accounts he is a very cool cat. The wife had him sign my VR cd the following Monday when he came back in.

My wife ROCKS!!!!


Brad's picture
Submitted by Brad on Mon, 10/16/2006 - 18:01
WOW - that's a great story... I am officially jealous ;-)
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Sat, 10/14/2006 - 20:01
I loved Stone Temple Pilots...but Velvet Revolver Im not a fan of... Thats awsome though. your wife does rock. hope you give her some good loving when she comes back into town. Or allready have.

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