My Job


Shared on Mon, 10/16/2006 - 04:52
Well as my profile states I work for Vodafone as a customer care advisor :( .
I used to be a team manager but they no longer needed as many as they had so I was placed back on the phone. I really do dislike my job as I am not really a people person I cant be bothered with argumentative people who want everything for nothing.

I was thinking of a new job but then remembered some of the awkward calls that i have had to deal with over my 4yrs with the company and some made me giggle and some made me angry so thought i would give you a little insight into the job :)

On Vodafone internet you have adult control so kids cant look at porn etc but this 67yr old man wanted it lifted and didnt have a credit card to use for proof of age. He immediately then started saying that he was 65 and shouldnt need to confirm it but i had to advise that i couldnt see him to say how old i think he is so he would need the credit card or the bar will remain.
On this he then managed to get a credit card so as we were removing the bar he was talking away about the old days when he was in the navy which i was listening to and giving the appropriate verbal nods.
The cust then started talking about all the countries he had been too which I advised i have never been abroad and that i dont intend to when he then came out and said "I have been all over the world and been out with ladies from all nationalaties" (the customer then starts name some). I was still giving verbal nods with the occasional wow that sounds good when out of the blue he then said "dosent matter where the girls come from they all have one thing in common". At this point i am starting to think to myself where is this going when he said "They are all pink and like a good fucking". I nearly choked i was not expecting a 67yr old man to say this on a call to his mobile phone company. He noticed the shock in my voice and apologised which i said was alright it had been the highlight of my day lol.

I am generally quite a patient person and understnd what customers are going through not everybody can set up a phone manually for internet/mms but i do get very impatient when it comes to just plain stupidity like i had a customer who didnt even know  what i meant when i said press 5 on your phone i had to spend 15mins trying to explani it to her. I tried everything from the number 5 after 4 before 6 or the button that has either an indent or a line sticking out? The customer just couldnt get it and i was dreading the configuration and trying to talk the customer through ip addresses and port number let alone actually spelling the whole thing out for her so i advised her to take the phone to the shop and let them do it for her.

You do have some really uncomftable moments like people who are going through sex changes. On Vodafone you have to use the customers name during the call so what do you call them Mr/Mrs i must admit though that people are pretty good at understanding how difficult it can be and do give you a bit of help.
And you would be surprised how many people will chance there luck to get something for nothing and some of the stories they come up with.
I have had people saying that they have been raped and need money on there phone so they can use it or that they are pregnant and there water has broken. The thing is this does work a lot because in our line of work we have to deal with as many calls as possible and people dont really give two thoughts about it. I unfortunately am under the belief that if you dont deserve it your not getting it because everyone should know that if there is an emergency you can still use yout phone to call the emergency services. I have been sickened with some of the stuff that people say when they dont get there own way. I had one customer who told me that he molesters his families kids and if I dont give him 25p credit he will do the same to mine. What deranged people there are out in the world.
Unfortunately for him I dont hit and miss and i dont take things lying down. I told him he was sick sad individual who thinks that because he hiding behind a phone he can get away with it. I advised him he would regret saying that we reported him to the police the last we hear he was under investigation and his family.

As you can see you have all sorts but unfortunatle the calls like the last two are far far far more common than the top one so next time you phone a company remember that they have to deal with some nasty shit and try and be a bit more understanding it makes the call easier for us and yourself and you find you will get more anyway as we are more than happy to go that bit extra rather than doing the bare minimum :)

well sorry if i have bored you lol and thanks for reding.


CofC's picture
Submitted by CofC on Mon, 10/16/2006 - 14:03
Man, there are a lot of pervs in Britain.
fecknmental's picture
Submitted by fecknmental on Mon, 10/16/2006 - 18:12
Not just in Britain lol.
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Mon, 10/16/2006 - 18:26
I've been pretty lucky with jobs in my career,never cared much for management positions I've held. The place I work now is probably the best job I've had, ever! Wish I could rub some off on ya buddy. If your curious check out no pics of me(thank you) but dont pass checkin out the Ducati hotties. Cheers!
fecknmental's picture
Submitted by fecknmental on Mon, 10/16/2006 - 18:36
Hubba hubba lovely ladies would love do something like that lol.
MikeJames's picture
Submitted by MikeJames on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 13:00
I wish they had guitar lessons when I was in school. I learned to play trombone instead. Now that I have a guitar, I don't know how to play and don't have time for lessons. :( MJ
nomodifier's picture
Submitted by nomodifier on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 15:59
Standing in the rain, with his head hung low Couldnt get a ticket, it was a sold out show. Heard the roar of the crowd, he could picture the scene. Put his ear to the wall, then like a distant scream. He heard one guitar...
DefiantGray's picture
Submitted by DefiantGray on Mon, 07/24/2006 - 07:45
Thats cool, my stepson who is going to be a freshman in high school this year, is taking a class on Guitar. Never knew they had subjects like that in high school.

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