Console googled


Shared on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 08:16
I was curious as to what the results would be if i typed certain things into Google.
There are a lot of people stating that the PS3 has a lot of bad publicity but when i typed in PS3 to google i found 109,000,000
When i typed in xbox 360 i found 111,000,000 looks like the figures are starting to get closer now.
Funny enough when i typed in 360 faults i got 1,140,000.

Sony are starting to get the coverage now they have started getting a lot more interest i mind doing the same kinda search earlier on in the year and it was a landslide for the 360.

This is just an example as to how close the battle could be just think the 360 been out a year and only has 2,000,000 more results?


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