Console wars?


Shared on Tue, 11/07/2006 - 10:22

This whole PS3 and 360 battle for #1 is more than just whos gonna be #1 in video games.  This is the war of who will be the king of the "all in one" home system. We are talking your TV, computer, movie watcher and vid-phone etc.

 This has been Sonys plan all along and why MS HAD to get in the gaming market. It will be slow, but what better way  to test the function all these features than with the most demanded media in the World, gaming! Since the box stills serves a purpose (gaming) when some of these services dont work out or has bugs, it still plays kick ass games!


With the annoucment of movies and tv shows downloadable, the vision camera and when they launch a Browser, Well its all there is'nt it! As BB gets faster and cheaper it WILL happen! Soon all you'll need is Moniter a BB connection and your MS or Sony box.   With MS having close to all PC OS's and Xbox taking at least 40% of the gaming market it seems clear whos gonna win!  The next Gen shoud be interesting!!


fecknmental's picture
Submitted by fecknmental on Tue, 11/07/2006 - 16:52
Yeah on ya go Sony its all yours for the taking :lol:

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