What Is Going On with The Industry


Shared on Mon, 11/13/2006 - 08:49

I would like to thank first of all felelorn for posting this up on the site first of all i am sorry i have stole it for my blog but i do belive this needs to be posted up cause quiet frankly it disgust's me due to the fact i have been playing games for a very long time now.The whole world is just getting worse why oh why does money mean so much to everybody FOR F***S SAKE PEOPLE YOU CARNT TAKE IT WITH YOU.You could even get hit by a bus before you sell the ps3 or nintendo wii.Also it aint just the people that do this it is also the stupid people that pay the stupid price for the console in the first place because if there wasnt the demand then the supply would not be needed i would just like to know what is going on with the world.



what have my poor kids got to grow up into makes me very very sad (sorry rant over)




The PS3 launch a cakewalk? Far from it. We don't usually let readers take the reins (fearing y'all would rub us out of a job), but Tokyo-based reader Dirk Benedict sent us this doozy of an email, complete with first hand reporting, a pic and video. His observations struck a cord with me: Things that I saw at launch, which at the time seemed small, but in hindsight, really, weren't. Hit the jump for video of the PS3 chaos and Dirk's email in full:


http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/top/foreigners-and-fights-ps3-jpn-launchs-dark-side-214130.php click for full article


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