Back from Vacation


Shared on Wed, 11/15/2006 - 13:05
After a week and a half of vacation, we are home. We actually got home sunday night. We were in a hurry when we left, so the downstairs was a mess. Just what I wanted to come home to [/sarcasm] So I was kinda grumpy the beginning of this week catching up.
We spent 10 days down in Utah where shakes grew up. My sisters are both there while their husbands attend BYU, and most of his family is still there. We try to go down about every 6 months or so. We took two days to drive out since shakes had to go to school thursday AM and there is no way we were doing the whole drive in one day when we couldnt leave before noon. Other then some wind and rain the drive was fine. The kids actually behaved themselves. (or maybe that was me on vicodin ignoring them not behaving themselves) We went out to lunch with Oldmanriver while we were there (sorry the kids were such monkies randy, I have no idea what got into them) Shakes best friend was married while we were there, so we got to catch up with a bunch of old friends. I wont bore you with all the mundain details. The normally 16 hour drive home was done in 14 hours, and other then the baby dumping water in his lap a few times, it was smooth sailing (or driving lol)
Anyway... I promised Swooshdave that shakes would bring cookies to work after lunch, so I need to get crackin on those.
Thanks for all the support the last month. We both appreciate it.
Sometimes things happen that we dont know why, but I have found out that in the end it usually happens for a reason and works its way to a better end. What the better end is now? I have no idea, but Im sure that someday I will look back and understand.


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