Oblivion is not for those with Attention Deficit Oh! Look! A blue car!


Shared on Fri, 11/17/2006 - 10:03

I've been playing a good bit of Oblivion lately.  A game I have come to enjoy more and more as I get into it.  But I have quickly found out that 1, a lot of people here have moved on from the game and 2, it is very easy to become distracted while pursuing a quest.

By no means am I making fun of Attention Deficit Disorder.  I realize this can be a very serious problem. 

My point is that I often find myself accomplishing nothing in a long session of Oblivion.  I'll start off on some quest, start pursuing it, then all of a sudden two or three more have popped up.  I say to myself wow, that one looks interesting, I'll give it a whirl.  And it usually takes me a few new places and leads me to new NPCs, which give me new quests.  Then I realize I have no idea what I want to do so I wander a bit.  And it cycles on and on. 

Anyway, I love the game and I'm looking forward to further pointless wandering, in between sessions of Ooh, look!  Update in the GoW forum!


rabbmasterflash's picture
Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Fri, 11/17/2006 - 10:04
lol I love this game and I get distracted from it by others but I consider it my "old reliable" really, I always know if I get bored with other games I have plenty of shit to do in this one

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