Alrite so saturday i was leaving for karma's house. i got to the airport 2 hours before my flight you know just to make sure everything was good cuz dulles can either be really crowded or have no people. Just my luck dulles was not crowded and i got through security in 5 minutes. So as im waitin around i was watchin weddin crashers and i ended up finishin the movie before my flight got there. i went up to the counter and was like my flight was suppose to be here at 220 wheres it at? and they were like ooh dont worry its on time. not thinking about it i was like oh okay, so as i was sititn back down i realized it was 258 so she just completely lied to me. so i walked back up and was like i have a connection to Ontario at 5 oclock i just need to get to ontario can i change my flight? she tells me ooh dont worry about it you'll be fine the flights only gonna be 55 minutes. so listening to her i was like okay sweet and sat back down. 10 minuts later my plan lands at around 305ish and im ready to get on it. When we get on board and the captin starts talking to us he reminds every this flight is an hour and 30 minutes long, and i flipped. i was like you haveto be kidding me the freakin lady at the counter just told me 55 minutes. so im thinking gods gonna help me out and maybe speed up the plan or something. that didn't happen infact i landed at 530. so i haveto get my ticket changed and get another flight to ontario. so i go to delta service center and im like i missed my flight because of a 45 minute late plain arrival. the guy laughed and was like alrite man here ya go heres your ticket. Its to orange county which is 30 miles away from ontario. so karma hasto drive an extra 30 minutes to come get me. so im like how could this get any worse theres no possible way. so im sittin at gate a3 at atlanta airport and im like alrite ima get some food and then chill cuz my plane leaves at freakin 830. so i go grab some dominos buffalo wings cuz they are amazing. i sit back down finish my food and the lady on the intercom goes flight 1052 will now depart from gate d27, idunno if you guys have ever been to atlanta airport before but thats a pretty far distance. so i leave a3 and walk down to catch the train i miss it the door closes on my face so that was good. so i decided to just walk u kno whatever. so i finally get to d27 and i get a sit and relaxing. at 756 i call ben up and im like im about 10 minutes away from boardin im so happy, and he laughs at me because my lucks been terrible. well little did i kno that the lady on the freakin intercom would say ooh 1052 flight is departing from b34. so im a lil pissed right now cuz i haveto go all the way to b34 in roughly 25 minutes. i get there in about 10 i kinda took my time cuz i didn't feel like runnin with a book bag on and gettin all sweaty and waht not. so i get on board with about 10 minutes to spare. Now once im on this flight im like YES this day is finally goin to be good im goin to land get my luggage and head on to bens place. no no no god did NOT approve of that idea of me being happy so instead delta loses my baggage. So im currently without my clothes and toothbrush, but i still have my controller and cellphone.