Shared on Fri, 12/01/2006 - 11:01As I’m sure you can see by the news we got “pummeled” with some of the white stuff here yesterday. Well pummeled takes on a different meaning here in MO than it does for some people As some of you get 8 inches of snow regularly.
It took me 2 HOURS to get home!!!!!!! Normal drive time is 45 mins. Left work at a little before 4 p.m, got home at just about 6 o’clock about 5:54 to be exact.
While this weather is a boon for the business I'm in, it kinds of sucks to have to be around drivers that tend to drive on the verge of shear gut wrenching terror. It’s kind of funny to watch as Miss Silly Sue ding bat and the growth on her ear they call a cell phone try to drive and talk at the same time and wonder why her car doesn’t stop when she applies the brakes. Combine that small act of braking, and her already maxed out stress levels from the white cold wet stuff that is falling from the sky, with the act of flogging the hell out of her steering wheel to get it to turn rapidly (which is what you do when the streets have snow on them) and also getting very little reaction from her SUV, combine those two and you get a blond blithering howler monkey. Then she wonders why no one sympathies with her. Did I mention she is still on the phone…?
Aww Poor Silly Sue ding bat and her smashed SUV…BMW SUV by the way. Well that is what you buy when you have more money than sense around here. I mean you have to have an SUV to get up that massive 3 foot rise from her street to her garage. Off roading…urban style.
HAHA ok end of tirade.
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