Effing cranky.


Shared on Wed, 12/06/2006 - 14:50

I know, nothing for a month and now two days in a row.  I guess I'm just bubbling over with attention-whore needs right now.

I'm damn cranky today and having a tough time figuring out why.  I played like crap on GoW last night, but I'm notoriously streaky.  Makes it tough to pin down why I suck from time to time, but I'm working on that. 

I'm supposed to drive to Phoenix this afternoon to do a job tomorrow, but I don't want to.  I want to stay home with my wife and son and enjoy myself.  I'd rather get up at the asscrack of dawn and drive the six hours, do the four hours of work and drive back.  But it would be a bitch, so whattaya do?

I don't want to spend any money right now, I've got presents to buy.  I don't want to fritter my expendable cash away on bullshit hotel rooms and food when I won't get a check from the company until after Xmas.  The company is that effecient.

We get an email from the boss today stating that our annual Xmas lunch will include spouses this year.  I love going to my wife's Christmas parties, but we always have lunch here and bail out to get in some last minute shopping.  Now I've got to socialize and be pleasant when all I really want to do is escape out the fire door.  They were asking for places to eat, so I said Denny's.  Screw it.  One of my guys put in for somewhere with steak and lobster, as long as it isn't Red Lobster.  I wanted to poke him in the eye.  Who cares?  I'd rather get a "Happy Holidays" and GTFO.  Nooooooooooooo, we need to make sure the company buys us the most expensive entree of the menu.  I could give two shits.  Gimme a fricking burrito off the roach coach and let me go home.  I just can't get worked up about free food.  I'm not that resentful of my company that I feel the need to try and get my petty vengeance with Surf & Turf. 

I'm waiting on a child support check from my ex-wife.  Usually a nice chunk of change to buy presents with.  Nothing extravagant, but it helps considering everything for our son comes out of my paycheck.  Problem is that the ex, while employed, is living with her mother.  Her kid brother is a suspected child molester and my boy is not allowed to be over there. Duh.  But now I'm getting email from her that she doesn't know if she'll be able to take my boy for her Christmas visitation since her stepmother will not allow her in her home for Christmas morning. (I'm not the only one who doesn't like her!)  I would LOVE to have him at the house for Xmas morning, but we were going back east for the holiday.  We waited to buy tickets to fly home until we knew what was going on, but now I find out the stepmom has relented and the boy will be there Xmas morning.  And plane tickets are out of financial reach now.  Fuck.

I guess all this adds up to a cranky-ass Mass, but I can't shake it at the moment.  It gets better when I get home, but I won't see that until Friday afternoon.

I think I'll stop by the mall and headbutt Santa and punch a reindeer.  Maybe that'll cheer me up.


sabiticus's picture
Submitted by sabiticus on Wed, 12/06/2006 - 20:18
Yeah, my company's IT dept has decided to take us to some glorified arcade for a Christmas celebration tomorrow. I actually chose to stay at the office and answer the phone. Maybe I will finally get some time to work on some code, instead of working one stupid-user-trick trouble ticket after another. (And really, i don't blame the end users... I blame the helpdesk, who seems incapable of handling the most rudimentary of problems) Bah, I think your mood is catching... I should go look at some porn to get the old spirits up!
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Wed, 12/06/2006 - 21:36
Man thanks for the ideas, I'm headin out now to piss in Santas cocoa and wipe my ass with an elf! :)
REDAPPLE's picture
Submitted by REDAPPLE on Wed, 12/06/2006 - 14:55
Sounds like some chain saw action might help you out!!!!
REDAPPLE's picture
Submitted by REDAPPLE on Wed, 12/06/2006 - 14:55
Sounds like some chain saw action might help you out!!!! BTW - get RB6!!!!

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