Some laughs on a crappy day


Shared on Mon, 12/11/2006 - 16:29


NSFW - America,  FUCK YA from Team America World Police movie.. Kim Jong Ill is an asshole..

Cool C130 "Angel Decoy"

I wish I had one of these on my car during rush hour...


Brad's picture
Submitted by Brad on Mon, 12/11/2006 - 16:51
Uh - I really enjoyed the song that's NSFW, however, I think it should be Fuck, Yeah - instead of fuck could be seen as fuck you... I know, it's annoying when people do that shit, but hey, I'm just trying to help make the world a better place :-)
Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Mon, 12/11/2006 - 17:41
good point.. changed.. and I appologize if any Americans took offense.. bah screw it... America - FUCK YEAH!..
Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Mon, 12/11/2006 - 17:41
and Team America World Police is a great movie.. even tho I am basically a liberal who likes guns

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