

Shared on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 02:34
Guild Wars is pimped out for the holidays, this is cool for the 5 people on this site that play Guild Wars. I'm not sure why goofy Christmas decor in a video game is so entertaining to me.....I'm 36 years old for god's sake......


CrypticCat's picture
Submitted by CrypticCat on Mon, 12/25/2006 - 13:58
heh, I have a hunter buried in GW somewherez... I bet that with the 2 new stand-alones, GW-classic should be all but lifeless right about now...
Rythmdevl's picture
Submitted by Rythmdevl on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 16:59
no pressure, just love having 2old people. Invites always open.
Ujaya's picture
Submitted by Ujaya on Mon, 12/25/2006 - 23:08
No.. the original campaign is still played by tons of people. Myself included.
Rythmdevl's picture
Submitted by Rythmdevl on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 06:19
just in case you werent aware, I run the 2old Guild Wars clan here on the site. We have about 35 people that play GW on a regular basis. I'd be more than happy to extend a Guild invite if your interested in joining. I love the holiday events. Just need room in my storage to store all the holiday goodies I have accumulated in the last 2 years. Later!!! Rythm (aka Phil Acio Master in game)
Ujaya's picture
Submitted by Ujaya on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 12:11
I know there's a guild, I'm just being sarcastic because the shooters are so much more popular. I appreaciate the invitation and I may just take you up on it when/if I give up on the current floundering little guild I belong to.

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