Buffy and Angel


Shared on Sat, 01/06/2007 - 15:57
I finished watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel TV series on DVD (Great series, really wonderful stories with humor, drama, action and technically some horror).

I have to say all of the Buffys were great except for season 4. They did 3 years of her in High School and then send her to college, but college just sucked it felt rehashed and then adding the Initiative to the mix dropped the quality big time for me. But Season 5 - 7 were fantastic, gripping and even emotional.

Angel was great, but the last half of season 4 and on and off Season 5 really kinda bugged me ( I never saw Angel past season 2) The story with Jasmin blew, Gina Torres (who I love in Firefly and Standoff) was a bad choice as a God, really the only bad actor choice in any of Joss's series to date. Season 5 in Wolfram and Hart was good but I didnt like how much of a pussy Angel became, he got his ass kicked all the time. But there was some great humor, action and the ending at first pissed me off, but then I realized it was the old way to end it. Angel must keep fighting.

Season 8 of Buffy is going to be in Comic form, which is cool. I might check it out.

I know many people who think "Buffy" and "Angel" are fluffy girl shows (they have obviously never seen them) should check them out. The two Buffy games for Xbox (maybe for other consoles as well) are great as well.


I think the next series Ill buy and watch is either Highlander or MASH


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