Shared on Sun, 01/07/2007 - 00:47Didnt want to take up too much space in a forum for this, so here is a perfect spot. XBOX TECH SUPPORT SUCKS DONKEY DICK!!!!! Here is the setup. Houses in Florida are not made for networking. Solid concrete walls and no basements make for a hard time at running cables. So you have to go wireless if you want any kind of freedom. So I went out (2 years ago mind you) and got the setup. Came home, followed the instructions, and it didnt work. Damn! Called the router people, they set things up. Called Xbox Tech Support, and after 3 people, finally got everything working. I used that setup on my original Xbox for over 1 year with no issues. Then the 360 came along. After an initial hurdle with connecting my devices to it, it was smooth sailing for almost 10 months. Many here on the website can attest to that. I never had any issues with large rooms, or heavy lag. Then all of a sudden, one day, about 2 months ago, my wireless connection stopped working. Played Gears of War online one night, came home from work the next day.......... NO CONNECTON!! Nothing changed, nothing hit the port. Hell, the dust bunnies were still in the same spot. WTF!!??!! Only way I could get online was if I connected my xbox directly to my modem. That required dismantling my entire network, and carrying the shit all the way across the house to the other room. Not to mention the complaints I got from my better half that she couldnt get online since the connection was no longer "shared". So I battled it out for 2 months till I could get some cash to get a new port. I figured it had to have just broke. What other reason could there be? So I get some cash, I run out and get the same gaming port that I had before. The cheat in me figured I could box up the broken one and return it for a refund!! ( Dont give me that look, you'd do it too!) I get home and hook it up expecting gaming bliss, and It doesnt work either. GRRRRRR. So I call xbox. They tell me to call the Router and Port manufacturer. The port manufacturer tells me that the xbox wont assign the correct IP address. Im no programmer. I'm an environmental consultant. Talk trees and plants, Im good. Computers... I'm lost. The Port guy tells me to call xbox. AFTER 4 HOURS ON THE PHONE WITH XBOX, THE GUY HAS THE NERVE TO TELL ME THAT THE SAME PORT I USED FOR 2.5 YEARS WAS ONLY A BRIDGE, SHOULD HAVE NEVER WORKED, AND THE ONLY WAY I COULD CONNECT WAS TO USE THE "360 WIRELESS ADAPTER"! WTF? Why the hell did this one work before then. He wouldnt answer me. So in a last ditch effort at 1am, I called the Port Maufacturer back. Lo and behold, I get a gentleman with a very heavy Indian accent that was able to fix the problem in 30 mins. In 4 hours on the phone with Xbox, all I got to hear was some really great "on hold" music. ANd their response was "Go out and buy OUR shit! We guarantee it will work!!'" Every time I have called Xbox support, it sounds like some really big party going on in the background. It almost seems like they just get a bunch of college kids who are home on break to answer the phone, and tel you to buy more Microsoft shit. I love my 360, but the support for this unit is severly lacking. So after 5 hours of excrutiating pain, my network is functioning without Xbox's Gaming adapter. The same old stuff I was using before is working fine. The old one will be returned tomorrow for a full refund. And I will be back to dishing out headshots with the Clannies!!! Watch out Boys!!
- Rythmdevl's blog
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Submitted by SixTGunR on Mon, 06/18/2007 - 19:12
Submitted by CrypticCat on Sun, 01/07/2007 - 05:33