Bioware overrated?


Shared on Tue, 01/09/2007 - 19:16
I was having a discussion with a punk.. well a friend, who is a punk who says Bioware is very overrated as a development company. His points are that 1 - They have sold out to the Microsoft Devil and 2 - None of their games are really note worthy

Really I cant believe that. I have played every Bioware game, I still have Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 (with expansions), NWN with expansions and premium modules on my computer, MDK, Jade Empire, KotoR on PC and Xbox, and have enjoyed them all. Yes some of the games have issues (Jade Empire was way to short and minor control issues, KotoR really was amazing but at times was boring, NWN single player was boring but compelling enough to finish).

For me, Bioware is a company that I will buy a game from. Mass Effect Ill buy with out reading a review, playing a demo or anything.

I dont think they sold out, they are doing PC games and a DS game, so that kinda blows the MS Devil idea out of the water but the none of their games are note worthy pissed me off.



RagingBull888's picture
Submitted by RagingBull888 on Wed, 01/10/2007 - 22:29
Not really noteworthy? KoToR is the best Star Wars related game ever. They managed to create a completely believable Star Wars game that did not rely heavily on the Original Trilogy's universe. Sure, a lot of stuff in the game could be easily compared to Original Trilogy like stuff (Star Forge for Death Star) but the overall storyline was so well done. Oh, and all those Game of the Year awards must mean something.
KingDrewsky's picture
Submitted by KingDrewsky on Tue, 01/09/2007 - 19:34
KotOR was the best RPG of last generation. FFXII and DQVIII aren't worthy enough to lick Darth Malak's ballsack. Square passed their heyday a couple of generations ago.
Rhysode's picture
Submitted by Rhysode on Tue, 01/09/2007 - 21:03
Sounds like you should avoid engaging in gaming discussion with this "friend" of yours. If you want to know how long a whippet lasts, ask him.
Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Tue, 01/09/2007 - 22:20
ya but he lets me smack him around lol jk he has his views.. like.. he likes the Calgary Flames.. but lives in Edmonton.. im sure I could have him killed for that

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