MGS4 - New Preview


Shared on Mon, 01/15/2007 - 19:01
Now, I have been hard on the PS3 for good reasons, but I still think it will be a good console once there is actually more then 1 good game for it.. and the expected good games like LAIR, Motorstorm and a couple others just have not been impressive with frame rate issues, graphic glitches and more.

But here is one game that might be good.. but with out rumble I have some serious doubts about it.



Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Tue, 01/16/2007 - 10:08
I wanna play this game so bad....but if its not coming to 360 Im not gonna play it. I refuse to pay $600 to play 1 game.
Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Tue, 01/16/2007 - 11:13
ya, the PS3 is not worth 600, only if it had 10 must have 1st party titles.. I dont think it will have that many for YEARS. MGS4 might not even be a must have. Lack of Rumble and that piss poor controller really suck the life out of gaming. I can play 360/xbox games for hours, but not PS3.. but then again I only have 1 game for the PS3..

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